This is my former Project 365 blog - I am only blogging at Random-osity - but feel free to look around here! Hope to see you at Random-osity!

Friday, February 27, 2009

February 25-27

Shabbat Shalom or Shavuah tov, whenever you see this post (-:

February 27, 2009: Well this picture just came to me on the right day. CAJE closed today after 33+ years of operating. While I was so sad to realize today was the last day I saw this on my gym tote and thought CAJE will rebuild one day!!

February 26, 2009: This tree looks so cool. It is either a tree without bark, lost its bark for winter, or a college kid stripped it...

February 25, 2009: This just says it all!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February 22-24

I must begin this post with a retraction from my previous post. I will now make no promises that this blog will be food free but I will try to not do it often (first Chipotle experience on Sunday will be photo worthy!) Now we return to our regularly scheduled blogging.

February 24, 2009: Happy National Pancake Day!! Of course I had pancakes for breakfast. I didn't make them, Trader Joe's did, I just took them from freezer to toaster to yum! 

February 23, 2009: It's the remedies! These are my latest remedies from my homeopath. I have 2 since I am currently in an altered state, so I take one for certain feelings and vice versa. Hopefully I won't be altered for long...

February 22, 2009: Peanut butter-jelly time! JSA made 200+ sandwiches for the homeless today! I love the jelly drip, the best.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

February 19-21

Here are the latest...

February 21, 2009: I promise there will be very few food pictures after this, unless it is too good to pass up. But this year, all 52ish days of it have been filled with food adventures for me. This is my first DAIRY lasagna in over 11 years.  It was pretty good, I didn't make it, I just reheated it!

February 20, 2009: A day at the spa! I so recommend anyone in DC/VA to go here! I felt so special and relaxed and my hot stone massage was amazing, I am so going to be returning to this spa!

February 19, 2009: Another picture where I am happy I have my camera with me 90% of the time now, the shadow looked even better in real life.  There is a hill where the grass is that made the affect eye catching.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February 16-18

February 16, 2009: A milk delivery person? In 2009? Wow. Is all I can say.

February 17, 2009: Naptime good-bye party! Naptime isn't leaving but Kaia another intern is going abroad, she was still interning until she left, so while the kiddos napped we had cake.

February 18, 2009: Going to work via metro - Kinda an artsy shot and it is obvious I need to clean my lens!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

February 11-15

Catching up! I went home and didn't take my camera USB cord - so here are my latest captured moments!

February 15, 2009: We also finally made it to the Jewish Museum's exhibit on the Jewish artists that were popular in the early 1900s in Jewish Russia, especially around Yiddish theater. No photography in the exhibit, but this book had a copy of one my favorite costume sketches. 

February 14, 2009: I saw an Oscar front runner! It was also the first movie I had seen in the theaters since July, semi-pathetic... We saw Benjamin Button - a great movie, very interesting and beautifully done.

February 13, 2009: DEER, on my street! We were driving down our street and there were 5 deer eating dinner at the little grassy area - so cool!

February 12, 2009: NY bound. I was on my way home to NY for a weekend of R&R with my mom and to see my Zayda.

February 11, 2009: Well with the excitement of being in the 5th week of classes comes the joy of exams....I thought the notecard pile was inspiring!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February 8-10

February 10, 2009: I took pictures for a friend's ultimate frisbee event. This shot is of the disc I tossed then captured the picture seconds later. Pretty sweet, I thought.

February 9, 2009: Happy Tu B'shvat. Today I thought in honor of the holiday of plants I would take a picture of my plants. The snake plant has grown so much in the last few months.

February 8, 2009: With the arrival of Tu B'shvat comes the holiday of fruits, including Tamarim! A bowl of me, yum.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

February 4-7

Here are my last few days! - My brain still things it is January! The 4 times I went to type February - January came out first, I bet by March I will figure out it's February! 

February 7, 2009: Grocery shopping! I love Trader Joe's I get 75% of my grocery items at this truly unique store. I always look forward to having to go food shopping there!

February 6, 2009: Well, today was a slow day so I thought the best photo-op (yes I combined two pictures) was of the two cameras I am using in this 365 journey. Of course when needed my cell phone camera will be a loyal substitute.

February 5, 2009: Thursdays are cleaning days! What a better way to get ready for Shabbat then clean?

February 4, 2009: Well, since I am at the gym everyday why not document it! I love working out around 8:30am at my building since there are rarely other people there, nice time to have time to myself.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

February 1-3

Wow, one month in and things start to get more challenging. How many pictures of snow can I really take! So here is the beginning of February. 

February 3, 2009: Today's picture was one of those random ones. AU has tons of these mini-vehicles driving around and think it is hilarious when they park in an actual space - seems like it belongs in a toy chest!

February 2, 2009: Well, this looks better when I am not trying to take a picture at the same time. It is meant to capture my love of flipping onions in the frying pan when cooking. I really have the wrist flip down, so I did my best to share.

February 1, 2009: Go Steelers! Yes, I am still an Eagles fan, so I had to root for the Steelers since the Cardinals beat my Eagles... this is when the Stealers scored the final TD and won!